Publication details
- D1.2 DSL Concepts for Icosahedral Models (Nabeeh Jumah, Julian Kunkel, Michel Müller), Research Group: Scientific Computing, University of Hamburg (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH, Bundesstraße 45a, D-20146 Hamburg), 2018-03-19
Publication details – URL
@techreport{DDCFIMJKM18, author = {Nabeeh Jumah and Julian Kunkel and Michel Müller}, title = {{D1.2 DSL Concepts for Icosahedral Models}}, year = {2018}, month = {03}, publisher = {Research Group: Scientific Computing, University of Hamburg}, address = {Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH, Bundesstraße 45a, D-20146 Hamburg}, url = {}, }
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