Publication details
- Interoperability Support in Distributed On-Line Monitoring Systems (Jörg Trinitis, Vaidy Sunderam, Thomas Ludwig, Roland Wismüller), In Proceedings of High Performance Computing and Networking - 8th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1823), pp. 261–269, (Editors: Marian Bubak, Hamideh Afsarmanesh, Bob Hertzberger, Roy Williams), Springer (Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany), HPCN-00, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2000
Publication details – URL – DOI
Sophisticated on-line tools play an important role in the software life-cycle, by decreasing software development and maintenance effort without sacrificing software quality. Using multiple tools simultaneously would be very beneficial; however, with most contemporary tools, this is impossible since they are often based on incompatible methods of data acquisition and control. This is due largely to their relative independence, and could be overcome by an appropriately designed common on-line monitoring system. We consider three possible platforms that might be potentially capable of addressing this issue, and discuss the relative merits and demerits of each
@inproceedings{ISIDOMSTSL00, author = {Jörg Trinitis and Vaidy Sunderam and Thomas Ludwig and Roland Wismüller}, title = {{Interoperability Support in Distributed On-Line Monitoring Systems}}, year = {2000}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of High Performance Computing and Networking - 8th International Conference}}, editor = {Marian Bubak and Hamideh Afsarmanesh and Bob Hertzberger and Roy Williams}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, number = {1823}, pages = {261--269}, conference = {HPCN-00}, organization = {University of Amsterdam}, location = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, doi = {}, abstract = {Sophisticated on-line tools play an important role in the software life-cycle, by decreasing software development and maintenance effort without sacrificing software quality. Using multiple tools simultaneously would be very beneficial; however, with most contemporary tools, this is impossible since they are often based on incompatible methods of data acquisition and control. This is due largely to their relative independence, and could be overcome by an appropriately designed common on-line monitoring system. We consider three possible platforms that might be potentially capable of addressing this issue, and discuss the relative merits and demerits of each}, url = {}, }
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