====== Scientific Computing // Wissenschaftliches Rechnen ======
[[people:start|{{::groupphoto_2021.jpg?400&nolink |}}]]
**//The group Scientific Computing conducts research and development on high performance storage systems. We develop HPC concepts and apply them to simulation software with a focus on earth system models.//**
The group offers [[research:products|products for research and teaching, and contributes to third-party projects]].
===== News =====
* 2024-05: In collaboration with DKRZ and NHR, we have organised a [[https://www.dkrz.de/de/kommunikation/aktuelles/io-workshop|workshop]] on parallel I/O in large-scale climate applications.
* 2024-05: Next [[https://www.isc-hpc.com/|ISC]] will be in Hamburg. If you are interested in gathering experiences regarding a scientific conference about computer science, you could apply as a [[https://www.isc-hpc.com/student-volunteer-program-2024.html|student volunteer]].
* 2023-10: In cooperation with DKRZ we have offered again a [[https://www.dkrz.de/de/kommunikation/aktuelles/python-ws-for-geosciences_2023|beginner's course]] about //Python in earth sciences//.
* 2022-12: Next [[https://www.isc-hpc.com/|ISC]] will be in Hamburg. If you are interested in gathering experiences regarding a scientific conference about computer science, you could apply as a [[https://www.isc-hpc.com/student-volunteer-program.html|student volunteer]].
===== Lehre im Sommersemester 2025 =====
printTeaching(NULL, "de", "Sommersemester 2025", TRUE);
===== Recent publications =====
$loader = new PublicationsLoader(PublicationsLoader::Publications);
$pubs = new Publications($loader);
$pubs->printDW(TRUE, Publications::ListShort, 5);
* For more details, see the [[research:publications|list of all publications]].
===== Recent theses =====
$loader = new PublicationsLoader(PublicationsLoader::Theses);
printTheses($loader, Theses::ListShort, 5);
* For more details, see the [[research:theses|list of all theses]].